Summer Ball 2024 Summer Ball Info

Candidate for the position of VP Sport



I have always been a firm believer that partaking in sport will improve your quality of life. To this end, I feel everyone should have the opportunity to partake in any sport they wish regardless of their circumstances. To achieve this, I wish to work closely and openly with all clubs to be able to recruit and keep as many members as possible. As president of the rowing club this year I have lead our largest squad in the clubs’ history in a year when I know many other clubs were suffering from reduced memberships and I am confident I can help other clubs achieve this too.

One major point that I feel will help this is to lobby for more funding for all sports clubs. The rowing Club has suffered from financial problems left by my predecessors and has limited what we were able to do this year. I know the difficulty of a limited budget and I want to allow our clubs to do more without the constant worry of money hanging in the air.

Another point is to seek out better facilities for our clubs or preferably improve the facilities we already have. I know many clubs suffer from issues with room availability and I am sure it is affecting our ability to compete on a national stage. Again, I plan on working closely with clubs find out what you want, taking this information and using it to find the best options for you.