Summer Ball 2024 Summer Ball Info

Candidate for the position of VP Communities



Hi, my name is Hadiza and I'm an international student from Nigeria. I want to give back to the university and build a bridge of culture and inclusivity. If I'm elected, I’d work hand in hand with the NUS to fully liberate our degrees. How?

I’d provide a means for students to get advice on their rights, and also work towards providing a guarantor scheme for international students, as this is a major problem faced. All students deserve decent and affordable housing, with a decent payment scheme regardless of nationality.

I’d work towards creating a more inclusive learning environment, which reflects diversity and equality which will help the development and learning of ALL students. This will further boost employability opportunities and transferable skills for international and exchange students

In a post-Brexit atmosphere, there has been a rise in hate crime and xenophobia, which has a major impact on international students. We should all be free to study without the fear of denial. To reduce this I’d work towards creating a student protection scheme which also supports international students in crisis.

 I will include international students in discussions concerning fee cuts in lieu with home students campaign

Lastly, as migration is a major part of social integration, I plan to create a system that protects refugee and asylum seekers studying in HE from receiving unfair treatment and being treated as international students and coerced to pay international fees.