Health & Safety
Please note: These pages are for committee members of sports clubs and societies.

Through this page you will find the downloadable accident report forms, risk assessment template, and incident procedure flowchart. There are also details around what you need to do when planning a trip or tour. 


Accident report forms - to be filled out and sent to the department when an accident or incident occurs during a student group activity. 

Risk assessment - reviewed by your health and safety officer yearly and uploaded to the student group web page by the department. You must also complete a risk assessment for any new activity undertaken by your student group. 

Incident procedure flowchart - details what your student group needs to do in case of an accident or emergency. 


Frequently asked questions 

*Q We want to do a BBQ with our society, do I need to do a risk assessment?

*A Yes, you will need to submit a risk assessment along with an activity on the activity portal for any club or society BBQ! You need to submit your emergency contacts too for all attending the event. You need to complete a risk assessment if serving food at any club or society activity.

*Q We are changing location for our weekly sessions, do we need to update our risk assessment?

*A Yes, any changes to venue/location must be written into the risk assessment and resubmitted.  

*Q Do I need to do a risk assessment for a social/bar crawl?

*A No, as this would not be advertised as an official student group activity through the UPSU website. 


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