Please note: These pages are for committee members of sports clubs and societies.

Finance Resources

The finance department is situated in the 2nd floor of the SU building.

Jackie is available between Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm to help with any queries.

You can also contact Jackie via email:

The email is contactable Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm if you contact outside of these hours please wait until the next working day for a response.



*Q What bank accounts does my student group have access to?

*A As a core committee, you have access to two accounts, your student groups Main Account and Funding Account.

*A Main Account

*A Your Main Account refers to your student group's bank account, this will have most of the income and expenditure. When your student group sells a product, ticket or membership this account will be deposited.

*A You can use the funds for anything that will benefit your student group. This could include trips, equipment, deposits for events to paying for coaches and external speakers.

*A Funding Account

*A Your Funding Account refers to an account where funding is deposited. The account is limited to the funding allocation from your relevant department

*A Your student groups’ funding is allocated from funding applications submitted during the academic year. For sports clubs, this is completed at the beginning of the academic year and for societies, it is split into Term 1 and Term 2 Funding. The panel for funding applications includes the VP Activities and the relevant department manager. If you want to learn more about funding, visit the funding information page.

*A Please note that you should not use personal accounts for student group activities.

*Q How do I access the money in the student group's accounts?

*A To spend money from your group's account a member of the core committee will need to process this through SGF.

*A You have a few options for spending money from the account:

*L Bank Transfer/Member Reimbursement

*L UPSU Credit Card

*L Invoices

*A For more information about using SGF visit the SGF page.

*Q How can I raise money for my student group?

*A There are a variety of ways for you to get money as a student group. These include:

*L Membership Fees

*L Event Tickets

*L Products

*L Sponsorships

*L Funding

*A If you are concerned about your student group finances please talk to the department. Email or



*Q Can I apply for SU funding?

*A Yes, this process is different for clubs vs societies. Societies can apply for funding in term 1 and term 2, applications are open on the web page. Spports clubs can apply for SU funding at the end of the year after AGM, through the web page.

*Q What can societies apply for funding for?


*Q What can sports clubs apply for funding for?


*Q How do I spend my funding?

*A You need to request for your payments to come from your budget account, when on SGF. This money must be spent by the end of the year, otherwise it is taken away. It does not roll over each year.



*Q Who can I fundraise for?

*A You can fundraise for UK registered charities only. If you want to check if your chosen charity is accepted, please get in touch with the department.

*Q How can I pay money to my chosen charity?

*A You can put through a payment request to charity through the SGF system, or get a GoFundMe link directly from the charity. This way donations get sent directly to the charity.

*Q Are there rules around fundraising?

*A Yes, you cannot fundraise during movie nights, you cannot raise money through gambling and cannot sell raffle tickets as online payments.

*Q Are there rules for raffles?

*A You cannot give out alcohol or money in a raffle. You can give out gift vouchers though!

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