We're making changes to strengthen your voice Info

Supporting your academic journey

We are a democratic, member-led organisation. That means that you, the students of the University of Plymouth, can influence how we work. We listen to what you and other students have to say and then act accordingly to improve your student experience.

If you want the SU to change or work on something, we'll try to make it happen. If you want to change something at UoP, then we use our power to influence the University and try to make that happen for you too. In short, the best way to improve your university experience is to engage with UPSU.

There are many ways for you to have your say through the Students' Union, including:

  • Voting on other students' ideas, or voting in SU Elections.
  • Speaking to your School or Course Representatives who can escalate things on your behalf.
  • Speaking to the Sabbatical Officers to influence decisions at UoP and UPSU.

we are here to help you

The Students' Union is led by you, our members. Every member has a right to have a say in how we are run. If you want to help make a difference please get in touch.


Representation FAQs