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Best Student Led Representative Campaign/Project of the Year Award


The Best Led Student-Led Representative Campaign Award is given to an individual or group of students that has planned and delivered a campaign, making a positive change to the lives of students. The campaign will have been led by students in response to a specific need identified through feedback, had a clear purpose or aim and will have used innovative methods of reaching students gaining positive feedback. 

And the winner is... 


Plymouth Night Patrol 

Plymouth Night Patrol is a student led group which aims to provide medical and welfare support to students on nights out. 

The student group was launched in September of 2019 with the first patrol being deployed in mid-November. Since then the group have been deployed every week in term time and are expanding to provide support on multiple nights with multiple teams.  

“The scheme is run entirely by student volunteers who have a passion for providing the best quality of care they can to vulnerable individuals.” 



Due to the strength of the nominations we have also decided to award a Highly Commended in this category: 


Highly Commended: University of Plymouth Tennis Club

“Did you know 43% of LGBT+ people think public sporting events aren't a welcoming space for those within the LGBT+ community? That's 4 in 10 LGBT+ people who believe that sport is not welcoming. 

Hearing this statistic alone has made me aware that not all sport communities are as socially inclusive as I may have thought. As a club we ensure that we allow every member to be who they want to be without without judgement. We welcome absolute everyone, no matter your ethnicity, background or sexual orientation." - Levi Dawson, UPTC Chairman 

Read more about the campaign here.