Badminton Club organise a charity tournament to raise money for The Zone

Written by: University of Plymouth Badminton Club


On the 24th February 2024, the University of Plymouth Badminton Club held a charity tournament to raise funds for The Zone in Plymouth.

The charity tournament was open to any University of Plymouth student, regardless of whether or not they were a badminton club member. 

Student group members shared with us an overview of their successful charity tournament...



"This is the first time the club has decided to run a tournament with thanks to our committee members Chris Darlington (President), Emma Thornley (Vice President) and Darja Zimnikova (Treasurer) for organising the event. Along with umpiring help from Will Payne and Nicola Gillespie (Secretary).

We were inspired by seeing how other University Badminton clubs hold tournaments of their own and we wanted to be able to fundraise for a charity by the end of this year.

The Zone in Plymouth is a local charity that supports young people to live successful healthy and fulfilling lives. They offer emotional health and wellbeing services, supply information surrounding housing, mental health and sexual health. As well as other services such as counselling to victims of crime.


We managed to raise £108 for The Zone in Plymouth!


We chose a local charity with hopes that we could communicate with them regarding our fundraising efforts and be able to make a difference within the community that surround us every day.

We had 2 group stages where everyone played each other in the group and then have a main semi-final to play for the medals and a plate semi-final to play for edible prizes."



Rsults were as follows:

  • 1st place: Rahul K Rajan and Sarath Sasikumar
  • 2nd place: Albin Alex and Andy Bath
  • 3rd place: Zayden Ramkisson and Konrad Wrzesniak


Plate event results:

  • Plate Winners: Alex Gray and Thomas Lanigan
  • Plate Runners Up: Emily Hall and Ross Ryan 


“It was great to see our social players put their skills to the test and we are hoping for more tournaments in the future." - Darja Zimnikova (Treasurer)




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