Candidate for the position of School of Law, Criminology & Government Representative



I‘m Kiera Brown, I wish to be the school rep for the School of Law, Government and Criminology. I have experience of this role, as I have been student rep for the LLB course this year and loved the experience. I think I am good for this role as I am a great listener and take people‘s opinions onboard at every possible opportunity. My desire is to help people; this is the perfect opportunity for me to do that. I am an approachable person so any ideas from the student body would be accepted gratefully. I am a confident outgoing person, so I will air all opinions in meetings.That‘s enough about me now onto what I‘ll do for the school and university as a whole. I will make a newsletter or make a Facebook page to keep everyone in the school up to date with news that is specific to their chosen field. I feel as though debating is important in all three sections of the school so I will make a school based debating sessions a regular thing to allow people to gain their confidence. These ideas could also benefit the university as a whole if other school reps take them on board and do the same for their school with relevance.