Candidate for the position of School Rep for Plymouth Business School



My name is Nick and I am a second year Business Management student. I have spent the past year as one of the course reps for business management. In that time, I have campaigned for many issues, including for better uses of the enrichment budget, for more enrichment activities within individual courses in order to bring cohorts of larger courses closer together.  As well as for a number of academic issues from issues with projectors in lecture rooms not working to issues with modules and their assessments.


I recently attended the national course rep conference where, amongst other things learnt about how to bring affectively campaign for change within universities and how to ensure that the student voice is heard.


If elected, I would campaign to ensue that the student voice of Plymouth Business School is listened to. I would do this by creating better communication between the course reps from different courses. By doing this I would be able to collate student voice on areas where students are facing similar issues. At the moment this isn't done effectively and as a result there is not a pressure on the school to act upon issues that are raised at course meetings. If these views where combined it would pressure the school into making changes on issues that really matter.


There are lots of big changes happening at the university over the next couple of years and it is critical that the student voice is represented and heard.