Candidate for the position of School of Psychology Representative



Hey, I am currently on Stage 3 on a placement year working in the NHS within a Clinical Health Psychology department.

I'm running for this position as a Stage 4 student because having already been through Stage 1, 2 and now 3 of the course I am now in a position where I will be able to better understand any raising issues from students at any stage. I am confident enough to communicate both negative and positive comments to University staff, and to represent all students.
A particular focus will be to help students who are considering applying to placements by implementing a series of workshops facilitated by Stage 4 students who have already been through the process and can help guide you from a student point of view. These workshops will solely focus on placements and will be run by students for students, open to stage 1 and 2 students.

Alongside representing yourselves, I will facilitate a campaign where our School actively shows support for those with mental health problems. Nearly nine out of ten people with mental health problems say that stigma and discrimination have a negative effect on their lives. The campaign will show that we will not discriminate against those with mental health. I will also encourage our School to support local charities through hosting fundraisers.

As your School Rep I'd be happy for students to email me directly with any raising concerns, and also to be a source of general advice related to university life.