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MBS's Louise-Océane talks everything 'Plymouth Beneath the Surface' in her new student podcast

Written by: Louise-Océane Delion - Marine Biology Society https://www.upsu.com/societies/mbs/


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Louise-Océane is a final year student in Marine Biology & Coastal Ecology at the University of Plymouth, and also part of the Marine Biology Society committee. She tells us how she used her time during lockdown to create her own student podcast 'Plymouth Beneath the Surface', interviewing numerous Plymouth people, graduates and students from underwater photographers to marine biologists at the Rothera Research Station in Antarctica.



In each episode, dive into Plymouth waters and discover local initiatives of ocean conservation and restoration, uncover career choices such as diving, photography and scientific research.

Each episode features someone from Plymouth, either a scientist, a researcher, a student, an NGO, a lecturer… each of them are a part of the story that links Plymouth to the Ocean.

This podcast is made for anyone who has an interest in the ocean, whether you want to study it, pursue a career in marine sciences, or just want to discover it.”






Episode 1: Underwater photographer, diver & student at once... Meet Georgie Bull

Georgie is a student in Marine Biology & Coastal Ecology at the University of Plymouth and she is also an amazing photographer and diver. She's actually just won the British and Irish Underwater Photography Championship this year. In this episode, she talks about diving, underwater photography, science communication, career options, our course and much more...

Episode 2: Restoring the sea meadows of Plymouth... Meet Mark Parry

Mark grew up & studied in Plymouth; he is still living here and is now working with the Ocean Conservation Trust, the NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation) that runs the National Marine Aquarium. In this episode, he talks about his career path from working in the surfing industry to working in marine conservation, his connection to the marine environment but also about the amazing project he is involved in: Restoring seagrass meadows in Plymouth.

Episode 3: From Plymouth to Antarctica... Meet Nadia Frontier

Nadia was a student in Plymouth and graduated from Marine Biology & Coastal Ecology in 2019. She is now working as the Marine Biologist at the Rothera Research Station in Antarctica, with the British Antarctic Survey. Nadia talks about her career path, from being a student at the University of Plymouth to working at the Marine Biological Association, to being diving in Antarctica to conduct research with the British Antarctic Survey. She also talks about the importance of volunteering and getting experience while doing a degree, what she thinks about the course content and lecturers... and as always, a bit about diving in Plymouth!





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