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University Plymouth Futsal Club on Physical Activity and Mental Health

Written by: Futsal Club https://www.upsu.com/sports/clubs/futsal/


The Plymouth University Futsal Club is a student-run club, welcoming players of all abilities to this exciting, fast-paced, football game.


This year the sports club is planning on working in tangent with the Movember Foundation, bringing awareness to Mental health issues.

Here are some experiences are committee wanted to share on how Futsal has impacted positively on their student lives and mental health:

“I came to university having not played Team sports in several years. Futsal provided me with a platform to enjoy myself in a new experience of competitive team sports. The club is full of members that simply enjoy kicking a ball around with mates and the Futsal club provides the perfect balance between competitive sports and a friendly kickabout. It's therefore always been something I have eagerly looked forward too at the end of a week.”


Adam Maxwell-Timmins, Chairman


“Futsal for me has been such an important outlet for the last 2 years. Those who play team sports know that feeling of being fully immersed in the game and the energy of those post-match discussions. After a tough week at uni (or even heavy night out…) having something to look forward to really helped with my mindset and motivation. Funnily enough, I found my most productive point of the week was following one of our games.

P.s. It’s the best hangover cure I’ve found so far”


Benjamin Hunt-Deol, Treasurer


"Futsal is a great laugh and I enjoy it! I’ve had negative experiences with team sports in the past because they’re taken too seriously but futsal is just a group of lads who enjoy a casual kick about. We all like talking about and playing football and with that in common everyone feels comfortable around each other and it’s a real stress reliever every Saturday afternoon away from our studies."


Isaac Smith, Mental Health Secretary


"I‘ve been in futsal society for 2 years. As an international student, I have found this very challenging, but those who love a bit of football/futsal know the challenge is exactly what we want. I got to know a lot of people, which has been great.

The games alone were so interesting that I stayed there to watch even if my team was not playing. It took all the stress of studies away every Saturday for a few hours, providing a perfect relief. This year I plan on it being the same as before and enjoying the game"


Shantanu Waliokar, Secretary


“This will be my 4th year of playing Futsal now and I can’t speak highly enough of the club.

As a fresher, it was brilliant to make friends and become part of a team which are still competing in the league this year.

It’s a real community club, welcoming people of all backgrounds and abilities, something I have personally really enjoyed over the years!”


Henry Cox, Health and Safety Officer


Health and Safety Officer Covid-19 Statement

To limit the influence of the global pandemic and ensure Futsal can be continued in a COVID-secure way, we as a club have implemented a thorough risk assessment to ensure the safety of our members.

We want to ensure all our members feel safe when playing Futsal, therefore, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your safety, please contact us on plymouthunifutsal@gmail.com and we will be happy to answer any queries. We hope to see you at Futsal this year,”

Henry Cox,  Health and Safety Officer UoP Futsal club


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