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Members of Para:Soc receive an invitation to the Houses of Parliament

Written by: Para:Soc https://www.upsu.com/societies/parasoc/

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On 24th October 2023, Leah Vincent and Chloe French (3rd Year Student Paramedics and paramedic society members) had the privilege of being invited to the Houses of Parliament by Ian Sheriff BEM (Academic Partnership Lead for Dementia and Chair of Prime Ministers Dementia Task group) to attend the all-parliamentary party group (APPG) meeting launching the action plan for combating regional variation in dementia diagnosis in England. 

They met with Debbie Abrahams MP and members of the Alzheimer’s UK society, as well as participants to the report, who gave us an insight into issues with diagnosing dementia, support given post diagnosis, and their communication with healthcare professionals on a personal level. They also listened to strategies that will be implemented by government and councils throughout the country to combat issues with rural dementia and ensuring communities are dementia friendly. 

Following this meeting they then met with Sir Gary Streeter MP and discussed our personal experiences as student paramedics on the frontline when meeting patients with dementia and expressed support we feel needs to be implemented. 

The day concluded by speaking to Rachael Savage (Artistic director for Vamos Theatre company), who creates non-verbal theatre that has toured the world and teaches communities all over about dementia.


Overall, an extremely educational day and very grateful to have experienced it. -- Pars:Soc




Stay in touch or find out more about Para:Soc

If you want to learn more about what Para:Soc do, please visit https://www.upsu.com/societies/parasoc/ or visit us on InstagramFacebook or Twitter (X).  



  Picture L-R: Chloe French, Mr Ian Sherriff BEM, Leah Vincent


  Leah Vincent (left) at the Houses of Parliament
