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Plymouth Night Patrol joined by Local MP, Luke Pollard

Written by: Plymouth Night Patrol Society https://www.upsu.com/societies/plymnightpatrol/


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On Friday 12th November Plymouth Night Patrol was honoured to be joined by Luke Pollard MP

This was a great opportunity to convey to our Member of Parliament first-hand who we are, what we do, and the importance of our presence in the city.

We had three teams out during the night (two on foot and one cycle response unit). Luke spent the evening shadowing one of our foot patrol teams and certainly wasn’t left bored with our first job coming in while we were still in our briefing, two minutes after he had arrived.



Our teams respond to jobs from the city’s CCTV control room as well as door staff from nightclubs and bars around the city.

During the course of the evening, our teams were first on the scene to four ‘Category 1’ (highest level) ambulance emergency jobs; these included a cardiac arrest, an active seizure, and traumatic head injuries.

Our officers conducted themselves in the highest professional manner that we pride ourselves on, to deliver emergency lifesaving interventions prior to an ambulance arriving. 





Throughout these jobs, Luke was able to witness our close multi-agency working with Devon and Cornwall Police, South Western Ambulance Service, and Plymouth City Council highlighting the importance of our relationship with these agencies and how well we all work together. 

Our operations are continuing to grow, we are now able to have 8 of our officers out at any one time and are now also have 2 officers based inside the SU on a Friday and Saturday alongside the SU Welfare Team.


BIG NEWS! From tonight we will have a team stationed in the Students Union alongside their welfare staff every Friday and Saturday night to help safeguard Plymouth University students! ??

Posted by Plymouth Night Patrol on Friday, 19 November 2021



This evening was a great opportunity for us to be able to demonstrate to our MP how we have grown over the years and our plans for the future.

We would like to thank Luke Pollard MP for taking time out of his very busy life to come out with us in Plymouth’s busy nighttime economy, and a reminder to anyone who may be reading this, we are out on patrol every Wednesday and Friday night from 2200 hours till around 0400 hours to provide medical and welfare assistance. We can be contacted by asking door staff to contact ‘Student Support’ on the radio.

Enjoy your nights out, look out for one another and stay safe!


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