Seminar Rooms - Student Voice Example

Written by: Student Voice

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This is an example of feedback you can submit to Make a Change! This was written by the Student Voice team to show you how the system works.

Initially, an issue may be submitted to the form. For example, a seminar room is not accessible to all students. We can then make a post like this to raise awareness of the issue, and gather more feedback about the room to support Student Reps when they raise it in meetings.

We can also add links to webpages, like this one to the Find A Rep page.

submitted 3rd oct 2023



Update: 15th Oct 2023

We can add updates to these articles as well.


For example, if an issue had be raised by a rep in a university meeting. This helps by letting others know where an issue is, and how it's being progressed!



Update: 20th Oct 2023

We can also update this when an issue is resolved!

So, for this example, after the issue was raised, the seminar session was moved to a seminar room where everyone can access. By posting an update, it makes sure that students know an issue has been resolved! This is key to closing the feedback loop.
