UPSU Elections: What are the Four Sabbatical Officer Roles?

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All University of Plymouth students are given the opportunity to nominate themselves in the Student Elections each year for one of four sabbatical roles: President, VP Education, VP Activities and VP Wellbeing and Diversity. 

These four students represent the voices of 18,000+ students at the University of Plymouth, campaign for change and ultimately work to improve the student experience as part of the Sabbatical Officer team at the UPSU.

Students apply for these positions for many different reasons, however, they are united in their enthusiasm to make a difference and desire to see beneficial changes for the students at the University of Plymouth.


“So the reason that I ran for Sabbatical Officer is actually because I was angry at some of the injustices that I was hearing that students were facing… I wanted to use that anger to create positive change and to make sure that students in the future didn't have to jump through all these hoops and go through what we did.” 

– Emi Dowse, studied BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour and Welfare - VP Education (2020/2021) and SU President (2021/2022)


Although unified by passion, each Sabbatical Officer will have different established responsibilities depending on their position: 




The President leads and supports the Sabbatical Officer team and helps to develop the strategic direction of the UPSU through the Board of Trustees and relevant Sub-Committees. The President is also the Chair the UPSU Board of Trustees and sits on the UoP Board of Governors. The president takes the lead on external communication by being the first point of contact for public and media queries. They represent University of Plymouth students on a national level and lead on priority campaigns to improve the student experience.


VP Education 


The VP Education takes the leads on campaigns to improve academic experiences and drive communication with the UoP Faculties, developing relationships and representing students. The VP Education takes the lead on the development and support of the academic representation system and strives to engage and support academic representatives in campaigns to improve the student experience. They sit on the UPSU Board of Trustees and ensure that UPSU fulfils the needs of students whilst functioning efficiently as a Charity.


VP Activities


The VP Activities chair both the sports club and the societies forum and works to improve areas relating to student groups, volunteering, social sport initiatives and fundraising.They strive to encourage students to engage with student groups and initiatives by promoting them within UPSU, the UoP and locally, and will support the development of community partnerships. They will develop the strategic direction of the UPSU by sitting on the Board of Trustees and relevant Sub-Committees.


VP Wellbeing & Diversity 


The VP Wellbeing & Diversity leads on campaigns to improve the experience of UoP students in all matters relating to wellbeing, equality and diversity. VP Wellbeing & Diversity represent students on issues affecting liberation groups and work to improve the support available. They work alongside UPSU departments to publicise wellbeing related services and signpost students to support. They will be a Trustee of the UPSU and sit on relevant Sub-Committees, ensuring that the UPSU fulfils the needs of students whilst functioning efficiently as a Charity.


The nomination period is open from Friday 20th January, 2023 (midday) until Monday 6th February, 2023 (midday). 

Visit for more information and to nominate yourself. 

If you have any questions regarding Student Elections, please contact the Student Voice:


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