sabbatical officers: where are they now? Isla Symons' story

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Becoming a Sabbatical Officer gives you a unique insight into how both the Students' Union and the University of Plymouth are run, whilst also providing you with a host of transferable skills to take forward into your professional career after graduating. 

As an Officer you will be involved in the highest level of decision making on campus; from monthly meetings with the Vice-Chancellor to sitting on a range of Committees that have oversight over Students' Union finances, staffing and key strategic decisions.

This year the roles have changed to enhance the voice of students, and you'll see that each Faculty will have its own President as well as a Students' Union President who will support students from each Faculty. Find out more about the changes here.

If you want to make a difference, develop new skills, and be a part of a passionate team then apply for a role as a Sabbatical Officer 2025/26.

Any registered University of Plymouth student can apply for a 2025/26 President role: it could be you.



Sabbatical Officers: where are they now?


Alumni BSc Ocean Exploration & Surveying and MSc Offshore Renewable Energy student Isla Symons shares her positive experience as a Sabbatical Officer in 2023/24 and how her time in post provided her with a host of transferable skills that she has been able to take forward into her chosen sector. 



Q. Why did you nominate yourself for a Sabbatical Officer position?

I nominated myself for the VP Activities role as I wanted to help students have a good student experience.

Through the activities role I wanted to show that student life doesn’t have to be just university work, but can broaden horizons which can in turn positively impact Univeristy life and studies. I also wanted to help change and advocate for the shift in the HE sector and bring forward the circumstances that students face now, and not what student life was like 10 years ago.


Photos: Isla competing in the 2023 and 2024 Varsity Netball fixtures.


Q. What are you doing now?

I’m currently looking for a role in the South-West relating to the offshore industry.

After finishing my time as VP Activities I moved to Scotland and became a Business Development Intern with Reach Subsea. After gaining experience within the industry in Aberdeen I’m hoping I can transition into a role in the South-West and expand my knowledge in the sector. I hope to show that the South-West can contribute to the energy transition and how young people can be a part of it too. 


I've grown a huge amount with Reach Subsea and have been given some amazing opportunities including site and vessel visits, a chance to visit the Norway team, and supporting me speaking at my first conference.



Photos: Isla during her internship with Reach Subsea.

Photos: Isla speaking at the Offshore Energies Conference 2024. 


Q. What skills from this role helped you get to where you are now?

I have a better understanding of business choices and direction.


Sitting on the board of UPSU as well as working with students gives a complete overview and bredth of a business. The role also let me gain confidence in meetings and spaces where I normally wouldn’t of spoken. It’s knowing you’re speaking for thousands of students who may not have to time to have their voices heard. 


Photo: Isla speaking at the Beacon Awards (left) and at the Students' Union conference at UWE.


My all round experience being a part of UPSU and the University of Plymouth has been amazing and I hope that students can have the same/better experience than I had after completing my undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, and my year as a sabbatical officer.


Q. What advice would you give someone who is studying at the university of Plymouth who is thinking of running?

Go for it! You learn so much in the role and it is a beneficial experience for any career you go into, so I would really recommend applying to everyone. 


UPSU is a great place to improve career skills and working professionally in a great environment. 



I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone at UPSU for being so welcoming and not just leaving as colleagues but friends. I couldn’t of done the year without the support and guidance you have given, it has truly been impactful.


Thank you to the staff at the University of Plymouth as well. Thank you for listening and mentoring. The conversation I’ve had in meetings and catch-ups have been insightful, and I have certainly grown in confidence from these experiences.


Photo: Sabbatical Officer team 2023/24.



Find out more about how you can apply for a role as a Sabbatical Officer 2025/26 here, inlcuding key dates, F&Qs, and job descriptions.


The roles: 

  • President Students' Union
  • President Faculty of Health
  • President Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business
  • President Faculty of Science and Engineering


Get in touch: 

Your Student Voice team are on hand to talk you through the Elections process if you have any questions or just want to know more about how you can make your voice heard at the University of Plymouth.


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