Graduating Soon? Fancy a Job at Your SU as a Sabbatical Officer?

Written by: UPSU

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Are you a third-year or postgraduate student who is starting to think about what you might want to do after your degree finishes in the next few months? 

Do you want a full-time, generously paid job with excellent training opportunities that allow you to grow and develop career-enhancing skills in a professional, supportive environment? 

Do you enjoy living in Britain's Ocean City and think you might want to live in Plymouth for a while after your studies come to an end? 


If you answered yes to any of these three questions, then we have the perfect opportunity for you! 


Here at the University of Plymouth Students’ Union, we are looking for students exactly like you to become part of our Sabbatical Officer team for 2023/24 to lead the Students' Union and represent the voices of 18,000+ students on a national level. This means you will be responsible for listening to student feedback, finding out what’s being done well at the University and what you think could be improved to enhance the student experience and make those changes come to fruition. 


There are four Sabbatical roles:

  • President
  • VP Education
  • VP Activities
  • VP Wellbeing and Diversity


Students apply for these positions for many different reasons, however, they are united in their passion to make a real difference to the lives of students at the University and a desire to shape their future and accelerate their careers. Whether you know the career path you would like to take or if you are still undecided, being a Sabbatical Officer gives you an incredible opportunity to experience first-hand working in areas such as business development, communications, finance, human resources, marketing, democratic procedures and much more!


The role of a Sabbatical Officer is truly unique and full of variety, and the best part is: you get to shape your goals within your role to align with your values and make a difference in areas you believe stand in need of change. You will achieve this as a member of the Students’ Union Trustee Board and therefore entrusted to develop the strategic direction of the Students’ Union on behalf of every student at the University. 


This may sound like a lot of responsibility, but rest assured that you do not need to know everything when you start your new Sabbatical Officer role. You will be supported every step of the way by our Student Voice team. The most important thing is that you have a good work ethic and are motivated to make a difference for your student community. Does this sound like something you would like to do after you graduate? 


Time is running out to nominate yourself for one of these roles: the deadline is 12pm on Monday 6th February.


The start date for 2023/2024 Sabbatical Officers is July 1st, 2023. 


If you are concerned about any exam dates or coursework deadlines post this date, speak to our Student Voice team who will be happy to help figure out a solution to ensure you finish your degree how you want to.

Visit for more information on the different roles and salaries, and to nominate yourself.

Read advice from previous Sabbatical Officers and find out how their time in office shaped and accelerated their careers:

Read about the 2023 Student Elections updates here.

Email Student Voice: if you have any questions regarding the Student Elections or want advice about nominating yourself.

Please note, you do not have to be a third year or postgrad student to nominate yourself. You can take a year break between your academic years to become a Sabbatical Officer and return to your course after your term in post.


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