We're making changes to strengthen your voice Info

A message to the Graduates of 2020


We have not forgotten you.

We know that many of the graduates from 2020 have seen pictures and videos from the 2021 Graduations and are feeling upset, frustrated and forgotten.

We want you to know that the Students' Union has not forgotten you. Your Sabbatical Officer team has been lobbying for the University to put on official Graduations for the 2020 cohorts throughout the past year. We appreciate the efforts of the University to put on the Virtual Graduations, especially for our international students who may not be able to return. Still, it does not replace an actual Graduation on Plymouth Hoe.

Throughout the year we have consulted and been consulted with by the Graduation Manager on the plans for Graduation and the “Celebration Event". Our stance has been that student feedback has shown us that you want a real Graduation on the Hoe and for them to try and combine it with the Graduation Ceremonies this year or next year. Unfortunately, this would not have been possible this year due to Covid restrictions and availability of the Hoe for Graduations, and the Union supported the socially distanced Graduations. But we expressed that the 2020 Graduates would feel dissatisfied if the 2021 Graduations took place, when they couldn’t.

We will continue to lobby for inclusion in the 2022 Graduations.

Thank you to each and every one of you who has reached out to us and shared your feedback, this has not been ignored and is shaping our conversations with the University on your behalf.

We'd like to encourage you to keep sharing your feedback and we have set up the survey below for you to do so.

Every comment we receive helps us strengthen our, and ultimately your, voice.


Graduates of 2020 Share your feedback