University Extenuating Circumstances Workshop

Written by: UPSU


Next week on Monday 20th November from 2-3pm, Darcie Jones (VP Education) and a member of the University Academic Policy Team will be leading a student workshop that will focus on Extenuating Circumstances and are keen on getting student views related to this policy. Refreshments will be provided. Some of the things that they may ask include:

  • Why do you (or your cohort) currently use the Extenuating Circumstances policy?
  • When do you use the ECs policy?
  • What do you do when submitting an EC for a group assessment?
  • Your views on the current process of applying for ECs via an online form.
  • Anything else related to ECs.

This will then be fed up to the University Extenuating Circumstances group who create these policies, so it’s a really good opportunity to get your voices heard!

If you would like to attend , please do email us ( by Friday 17th November at 12pm. Spaces are extremely limited so we will be working on a first come, first served basis. We will then communicate a room number to you on Friday afternoon once you’ve shown an interest and your space has been confirmed!



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