Have your say about how the University should support students

Written by: UPSU

We believe that all students should be given the right support and opportunities to help them succeed, no matter what their background. We need your views to help inform future decisions and investments about how the university works with students. This will ensure you are given opportunities and support so that you achieve well throughout your time at university.

Your views and feedback will help shape the University's commitments towards addressing educational inequality and inform its ambition to achieve those commitments, including strategic measures, investment and targets to which it is accountable.

Any answers you provide will remain anonymous. The data will be analysed by the Students’ Union to inform recommendations to the University.

This quick survey should take about 5 minutes to complete and to thank you for your input you will be entered into a prize draw to win 1 of 3 £50 shopping vouchers.

If you have any questions about this research or about how we will use your personal data, please contact the Impact Evaluation Team: impactevaluationteam@plymouth.ac.uk. If you’d  like to discuss the project further please contact the Vice President of Education on vpeducation@su.plymouth.ac.uk

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