We're making changes to strengthen your voice Info

Annual Student Members Meeting

Written by: UPSU


The Students’ Union is run by students, for students, and exists to improve your experiences as a University of Plymouth student, on and off campus! The Annual Student Meeting, or ASM, is your opportunity to hear about the work of your Students’ Union, and how funds are allocated to resource that work.

Students are at the heart of everything that we do, and you have the power to shape our objectives through your Union Council, Forums, Referendums and of course, the upcoming ASM!

At the ASM students:

  • Have the opportunity to ask questions about the Annual Report and accounts from the previous financial year.

  • Can debate and vote on changes to the SU's governing documents and any other policy proposals that have been submitted. This year there are some proposed amendments to the Articles of Association 

The Annual Student Meeting will be held on Thursday 1st December in the Big Room from 18:00. You can view the reports and papers for the event here.