Pole Dance host a skill swap session on campus

Written by: Pole Dance https://www.upsu.com/sports/clubs/poledancing/


On Sunday 10th of March, the University of Plymouth Pole Dance Club hosted a day where A&E, Fencing, Life Drawing and Snowrider members could try out pole dancing, learning the basics of spinning, sitting, and climbing.

The purpose of this skill swap session was to give students the opportunity to try out a novel sport with their friends, whilst raising awareness and tackling stigma. Pole Dance members shared with us an overview of the day: 



“Each club and society had an hour lesson, learning the basics of spinning, sitting, climbing and some poses.

Tickets were only £3.50 per person, raising a total of £143.50 over the four sessions!


Those who came had a load of fun, and those who watched had just as much! 

The Pole Dance Club are keen to put on another session for more clubs and societies in May/June time. If you or your club may be interested in joining our next session, send a message to @uppdc on Instagram or uppdc@outlook.com

The Pole Dance club also offer Give It A Go (GIAG) sessions every second Saturday of the month, for individuals or small groups at their local studio: the Art of Dance in Mutley. 

You can book your place for the Pole Dance GIAG sessions by visiting: www.upsu.com/giveitago/


Great fun and a good workout with a really helpful team to help learn something new. - Snowriders


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