Candidate for the position of President

Image for Suman Paudel

Suman Paudel


What is your name? 

Suman Paudel

What course are you studying?

MA Education

What stage of your course are you currently studying?

Stage 1

What motivated you to run for a Sabbatical Officer role and why do you think you would be a good Sabbatical Officer

I am aware that being a successful Sabbatical Officer calls for a blend of empathy, strong leadership, and a dedication to standing up for and supporting the student body. I can build strong bonds with students. I have empathy and a comprehension of the many demands and worries that students have. I consistently advocate inclusion, diversity, and social justice, guaranteeing that every student's perspective is acknowledged and taken into account.

Why is the Sabbatical Officer role important?

The Sabbatical Officer position is crucial because it gives students the ability to take an active role in determining their educational journey, guarantees that their grievances are acknowledged and resolved, and enhances both the campus community and the academic atmosphere in general. It serves as a liaison between the administration and students as well.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Friendly, Compassionate, Ambitious

If you could change one thing about the University, what would that be

A rising number of students are advocating for better mental health services and support inside colleges as they become more aware of mental health challenges. I'd do all in my power to increase its efficacy. In addition, I will support providing pupils with more engaging co-curricular activities related to their courses which can be helpful for their future.

If you could change one thing about the Students' Union, what would it be? 

I can't say much more about it, but I would really like to see additional or better student support services, including career and academic counseling, offered. In addition, I'm open to the Student Union organizing a welcoming program for freshmen.

Who do you draw most inspiration from and why?

I should appreciate a lot of individuals since they are my inspiration. However, I would really like to include Dr. Dave Jone, the Director of UPIC, here. He constantly inspired me and exuded positivity. I always felt that he was inspiring and creating a good vibe. He carefully listens to kids' issues, has real concern and empathy for others, and provides assistance. I've got a really good mental picture of him.

What is your proudest moment so far and why?

Studying at the University of Plymouth because I've always wanted to pursue an international education.

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