Candidate for the position of VP Wellbeing & Diversity

Image for Emily Adams

Emily Adams

With 4 years of experience at Plymouth in campaigning, facilitation, and teamwork as a Course Rep, PALS leader, People&Planet Secretary, Jiu Jitsu Chairperson and Deputy Sustainability PTO. I have the skills to conduct my key points, listen to concerns and stand up for your voice. Every action I take will have Sustainability in mind. Not only will I represent liberation groups and care for your wellbeing, but care for our planet too!

Need a lift? I want to create a community feel on campus bringing a better understanding of all our communities (BAME, LGBTQA+, Religious Groups, Women + Non Binary, Sex Workers) at a termly event where we join to celebrate our beautiful diversity

Stay in touch: an action campaign to improve your mental health by staying in touch with aspects of your life (emotions, activities, body, nature, friends, and professional help)  

Calm Room: a place of peace; with plants, beanbags, and information to point you towards help on a range of issues. Students can drop in when they need to breathe and slow down if feeling overstimulated, free of judgment.

Extra aims

- Gender neutral bathrooms: increase number of and create better signage

- Sexual health: provide information on and access to free barrier contraception (condoms+) in the SU

- Support decriminalisation: confidential support for the 5% of students involved in sex work

