Candidate for the position of VP Wellbeing & Diversity

Image for Goda Cegialyte

Goda Cegialyte

Hi I’m Goda and I’m running to be your next VP Wellbeing & Diversity. In my role as President of the LGBT+ Society I’ve championed issues of diversity and inclusion and supported students of all identities to feel safer on our campuses.

My priorities are:

1. The University is significantly reducing student bursaries, financial support funds, and cutting the Mayflower Award. This is key financial help that when cut will leave students worse-off. I will lobby the University to provide financial help alternatives such as introducing food cards for students that are struggling financially with living costs.

2. At a time that is often the most stressful, navigating the Extenuating Circumstances procedure can be a nightmare. I will simplify this process by working with the Advice Centre to create a step-by-step video students can follow if they need to apply for ECs. Alongside this I will produce a document that will talk through all stages and address different outcomes, from what doctors’ evidence is needed, to what to do if you need to appeal a decision.

3. Students face casual discrimination on a daily basis from those that may not realise the harmful effects of what is being said. I will launch an awareness campaign highlighting different forms of casual homophobia, racism, sexism and transphobia, to name a few.



