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K-pop Society

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Our society aims to bring people who love K-Pop together. We play games, dance, watch movies and discuss all things K-Pop! It is a great opportunity to make new friends and have fun while enjoying something that everyone loves. It doesn’t matter if you are new to K-Pop or if you are a long time fan, we welcome anyone who wants to learn more! We want to show people that K-Pop can be for anyone and enjoyed by all!

We hope that you will show enthusiasm for our society, we are a friendly group that is always open to accepting new people! Please don’t be shy to show your interest in our society and we will contact you some more information via our social media platforms.


CHAIR - Jennie Davis


SECRETARY -  Sidney De Souza


TREASURER - Karis Kwong

DANCE ASSISTANT - Latifah Mwatse

WELLBEING OFFICER - Michelle Mwamengo


In our regular Wednesday sessions, we plan to hold our monthly quizzes, and play a variety of K-Pop themed mini games. We also do K-movie nights and also hold more relaxed sessions such as photocard decorating, as well as themed sessions during Halloween and Christmas. The committee has a tradition of posting weekly song recommendations during the holidays, as well as often asking members of the society to put forward songs too. Aditionally, the committee sometimes do Instagram takeovers, so there is always something happening over on our social media pages! If you have any suggestions for activities or games, feel free to drop the committee a message on our Social Media pages!

We also hold weekly K-Pop dance sessions every Friday, where anyone interested can learn different group dances. We alternate weekly between learning Boy Group and Girl Group choreographies! If you're interested in these classes, please message us! You don’t need to be a good or experienced dancer to join these sessions as they are just for fun and to learn something new.

Additionally, we also participate in a collaborative dance showcase during winter and spring, giving an opportunity to members in the society to particpate and perform an awesome performance! If you are someone who loves dancing and is interested in participating in this showcase this can be a great chance to showcase that, but if you have any questions about this do feel free to talk to us or send us a message. We also have a partnership with Fever Clubrooms in Plymouth, who sponsor our society and host monthly K-Pop Club Nights which our committee and society members often attend!



We have two sessions a week, Wednesday is our more chilled session in which there is the opportunity to chat, play games and get to know people and Friday is for our dance sessions where you can come and learn the choreography of some of your favourite K-Pop songs. Both sessions start at 6:30pm and aim to finish at 8:30pm on their respective days. 

After paying for membership please follow our Instagram page and join our Facebook group to be able to join our group chat for information for our weekly sessions and events, as well as being able to communicate with other society members! Our committee are also on social media and can help answer any questions that you may have! Links for all our associated pages can be found at the side of our page. Please note: unless you are committee, you need to buy a standard membership. This is £5, if you have bought committee membership and are not part of the committee your membership will be revoked, and you will need to buy the correct membership.



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  • K-pop Society Standard Membership£5.00
  • K-Pop Society Committee Membership£0.00
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  • K-pop Society Standard Membership£5.00
  • K-Pop Society Committee Membership£0.00
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