How to Join a Group

Step 1: Find out about the group

Find out and explore the societies on offer by clicking Browse Societies. You can browse by scrolling through the A-Z, or if you have a more specific type in mind, you can search by category.

Step 2: Contact the society

Contact the society and go to their next session or social (contact details can be found when you're browsing - if you can't find the correct email address, email and we'll let you know!) or get in touch in our facebook group.

Step 3: Get Involved

If you enjoy yourself, you can join online via the societies webpage where you pay online. On the other hand, if you don't enjoy yourself, there is no harm done, you can just walk away and try something else.

Missed the Societies Fair?

Never fear - societies are so welcoming you can join at anytime - even the day before the end of the year (if you really want!).

It doesn't matter if you're a second year, or doing your third year PhD - you can join any stage along your university life. All the information about societies are listed online.

Try before you buy

Our Give it a Go Events specially caters for first-timers, so if you're worried about being less experienced than the others, don't want to turn up and not know anyone, not sure if you want to join a society quite yet, then fret ye not. Come along to one of the Give it a Go sessions, and see what they're all about!

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