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The University of Plymouth Student Choir (UP:SC) is a dynamic, talented, inclusive and pro-active society of around 50 members, performing a diverse range of music. We cover a wide variety of genres for all musical abilities and interests, ranging from Classical and Jazz to Musicals, Disney and more. We are continuously working hard as a society to expand this range even further so that all our members can perform pieces they enjoy as well as being introduced to different styles and genres.
Rehearsals in 2024 will be at 6.30pm every Wednesday in Rolle 018 and finish at 9pm. After rehearsals we all go and enjoy a well-deserved drink (and a slice of pizza- if you’re feeling peckish!) at The James Street Vaults, our sponsor pub. This is a chance for us to all get to know each other a bit more and to reward us after rehearsal!


We always have a very welcoming and friendly group who develop into a great supportive community throught the year! This always makes our regular socials a blast! As well as our post-rehearsal pub trips, we host other fun social events such as games in the park in good weather, bowling, and end-of-term meals for Christmas and Spring. We will ensure that our activities cater for everyone, so if you have social ideas, let us know!


Our choir traditionally carries out two main concerts each year: a Christmas Concert and a Spring Concert in various venues around Plymouth! The theme for our Spring concert his year is Night at the Movies. In addition, other performances are organised throughout the year. We receive various outside offers to perform from individuals and companies e.g. Barbican light switch on and reclaim the night with Trevi. UP:SC aims to provide an tour in the summer after the end of term which is great fun! In previous years we have traveled to Madrid, Bath, and Dublin, each time spending a few days performing in various venues as well as enjoying daytime activities and sightseeing. This year we are going to Amsterdam.

Volunteering and Fundraising

At the start of each year we ask for your suggestions and vote for the charities to support that year. We aim to raise money by doing a variety of fundraisers, from putting on benefit performances to selling cakes and sweets to the student population. We also aim this year to engage in volunteering activities as a team to help local charities and events. Furthermore, we are always looking for new and imaginative ways to help those in our local community and those further afield, so let us know if you have any exciting ideas! This year we are supporting Disability Africa and Animate Theatre. In the first term alone we raised over £600!


It's never too late to join the choir! Whether you would like to join from the beginning, middle, or near the end of the academic year, all you will have to do is pay for a standard membership which will last until the end of the year in the summer. However, you are free to come to one of our socials and a few of our rehearsals to see if you would like to join beforehand, but please make sure to buy the membership as soon as you have decided - it's only a one time purchase and then you are done! No matter what degree or course you are studying at the University of Plymouth, you are always welcome to sing with us! 

The Committee

  • Chair - Lucy Howling
  • Secretary - Maisie Hession
  • Treasurer - Wilf Wright
  • Health and Safety Officer - Sophie Meehan
  • Musical Director - Matthew Knight
  • Media Director - Mercedes Past
  • Fundraising Officer - Georgia Radley 
  • Social Secretary - Eryln Sonntag & Hebe Parrott

Social Media 

Facebook page: 

Instagram: (upsuchoir)



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