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SU Band Night fundraiser for the Oddballs Foundation

Written by: UPSU

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On the 15th April 15th 2024, University of Plymouth students organised a band night fundraiser at the SU as part of their assigned coursework (to plan, propose and hold an event that met the objectives and makes profit).

Students shared with us an overview of the fundraiser and its overall success.


The team put a really fun event together with a great attendance.

They sold 181 tickets to students and other local attendees and raised £600 for the Oddballs foundation.

The team gave out oddballs raffle prizes and the bands got the crowd up and dancing all night!


We are so happy with how the event turned out and how much money we raised! A big thank you to everyone that supported us with this fundraiser, we hope you enjoyed it! - Olivia Jones, Event student




The event was great Fun! It was clear it was well organised and the event staff had infectious enthusiasm making it hard not to have a good time! Was a perfect level of busy as well to have a perfect night. - Joshua Reddy, Medical Student.



A big thank you to the event crew who put on this fundraiser, the turn out was really great turn out for a really important cause. - Sam Beaumont, University of Plymouth Oddballs student Ambassador
