We're making changes to strengthen your voice Info

Chosen by students, celebrating achievements

We’re excited to announce that we will be launching our new awards ceremony in 2024. The Beacon Awards will highlight the incredible students and staff in our community at the University of Plymouth, exclusively nominated and chosen by students.

Following a review of our previous awards and how we celebrate our University community, we are moving to an award ceremony that combines multiple areas of the student experience at Plymouth. We will celebrate the work of students through their extra curicular activities, their academic representation work and the recognition of the fantastic staff that support them.

By celebrating as one award we will be bringing together our community to recognise the work that often happens behind the scenes to help students get the most out of their time at Plymouth.

Nominations open
2nd February 2024
Nominations close
4th March 2024
Awards ceremony
30th April 2024

Shortlist Announcement

The shortlists for the Beacon Awards have now been announced. This list includes students, student groups, student reps, lecturers and other support staff. A huge congratulations goes out to all those involved.

For those shortlisted, you will receive an invitation to the awards, and if your student group has been shortlisted, your chair will receive the invitation.

View the shortlists

The nominations period for these awards is now closed.

Are you a student or staff member?

As a student, you can submit your nominations for the Beacon Awards through the surveys linked below.

The nominations period for these awards is now closed.

Outstanding Contribution Award
Awarded to a student or a student group that have continually shown commitment and passion to improve the experience for students at the University of Plymouth.

Activity of the Year Award
Awarded to an individual or group who has shown commitment and enthusiasm for a project or event that has run this academic year. The outstanding and successful project or event could be ongoing or a one off. The winner will clearly show how the work they have done by putting on the project / event it has made had a positive impact for students.

Staff Choice Award
Staff work with students throughout the year across the institution and recognising commitment and contribution of a student that has made a positive difference within the university community. This award is chosen by the staff at the SU and University who work closely with students across a variety of activities, and they see the effort and passion students put into helping others and making a difference.

Fundraiser of the Year Award
Awarded to an individual or group who has made a significant contribution to a particular charity or charities. Through the projects and events they have worked on they will have shown their commitment to raising money to help other people in need.

Student Representative of the Year Award
Awarded to a student academic representative who has continually shown commitment and focus to help strengthen the voice of students. The winner of this award will have made time for students, used appropriate and tailored methods to proactively collect students' feedback – feeding the outcome back to the students they represent.

Community Contribution Award
Awarded to recognise the amazing work of student volunteers who make a positive impact on the local community. This award goes to an individual or group who has demonstrated that they have made a difference in the local community. This individual or group has also shown a high level of commitment and enthusiasm to help other people.

Society of the Year Award
Awarded to a student group who has demonstrated professionalism, outstanding achievements and team working across the academic year. They will have demonstrated a positive impact of the work they do for their members. This group has consistently shown their commitment by either supporting or running activities in addition to being professional in their attitude whilst achieving great things

Sports Club of the Year Award
Awarded to a sports club who has demonstrated professionalism, outstanding achievements and team working across the academic year. They will have demonstrated a positive impact of the work they do for their members. This group has consistently shown their commitment by either supporting or running activities in addition to being professional in their attitude whilst achieving great things.

Sports Person of the Year Award
Awarded to a person who has demonstrated excellence, growth and impact within their respective sport. This person would have competed or performed at an elite level within their discipline with making an impact on ability within that sport club. As well as this, this individual will have shown commitment and resilience over the academic year and perform highly within their sport. As an extra, they also will have supported their respective clubs with development of other members in their sport.

Resilience Award
Awarded to a student that has faced significant challenges this year but has shown strength and resilience to persevere and achieve in face of challenges

Inspirational Teaching of the Year Award
This award is for a staff member or team who show passion and enthusiasm for teaching and inspires their students to be the best they can be. They make time for students and treat them as individuals, show a willingness to listen and champion student development in their chosen field.

Academic Support Staff of the Year Award
Awarded to a staff member who has gone above and beyond in their job to support students throughout their time at university. This award recognises those members of academic staff, be that a personal tutor, programme lead or lecturer, who, in any shape or form, aid students to make their lives and their student experience better.

Supervisor of the Year Award
Awarded to a university staff member who has helped students to navigate through the challenge of a dissertation, thesis or major project. Completing a large project, dissertation or research project can be one of the biggest sources of stress for a student, the award goes to a member of staff who has been by your side to support and guide you throughout.

Support Staff of the Year Award
This award recognises those members of support staff who, in any shape or form, aid students to make their lives and their student experience better. Be it a technician in your Faculty or a staff member from Disability Assist, International Advice Service, The Writing Café, PALS or elsewhere, these individuals can truly be one in a million.

Half Colours
Awarded to student who have achieved half colours in recognition of excellent performance or commitment within a student club or society. This is an award chosen by student groups

Full Colours
Awarded to students in recognition of excellent performance or commitment within a student club or society

For any queries and questions, you can contact us on: info@su.plymouth.ac.uk

As a staff member, you can submit your nominations for the Beacon Awards through the Microsoft Forms links below.

The nominations period for these awards is now closed.

The categories you can nominate for are:

Staff Choice Award
Staff work with students throughout the year across the institution and recognising commitment and contribution of a student that has made a positive difference within the university community. This award is chosen by the staff at the SU and University who work closely with students across a variety of activities, and they see the effort and passion students put into helping others and making a difference.

Community Contribution Award
Awarded to recognise the amazing work of student volunteers who make a positive impact on the local community. This award goes to an individual or group who has demonstrated that they have made a difference in the local community. This individual or group has also shown a high level of commitment and enthusiasm to help other people.

Resilience Award
Awarded to a student that has faced significant challenges this year but has shown strength and resilience to persevere and achieve in face of challenges

Student Representative of the Year Award
Awarded to a student academic representative who has continually shown commitment and focus to help strengthen the voice of students

For any queries and questions, you can contact us on: info@su.plymouth.ac.uk